This may not be a fair review because it was a few years ago, but I will go ahead anyway since I know they have stuck to the same methods *add several inches to your underbust measurement to get your band size*.
I was fitted for the first time ever, and they were nice to me however they had one fatal flaw-They put me in a 36A.I also noticed they barely grazed me with the tape measure, which probably lead to a fatally inaccurate reading.
Now just to clarify- I am at the very least a C cup, and tried to tell them this but they told me basically to try 34B if that doesnt work.
Thankfully, later, intimacy fitted me in a 34C or 32D, and I have come to find out how wrong they were.
The result of this bad fitting- Several days of wearing the too tight 36A or 34B bras lead to constant back pain, among other things. I contacted the company about the problem, and instead of saying "Get re-fitted professionally" or at least "Get re-fitted", they told me the bra was defective, and I could swap it out for a new one.
Now don't get me wrong, that was nice, however the problem wasn't the bras, it was the sizing.
If you go to V.S., don't be surprised if you are wearing the wrong size. Also, please don't get your daughters fit there, if you want to do it for yourself and are lucky enough not to have problems great, but she may not be.
I wont return there again after hearing some horror stories about certain chemicals in bras, and also their extremely bad advice. Their customer service was nice but they know so little about fitting, I dont think they should be giving any sizing advice. The problem that seems to occur most frequently is they put everyone in a way too large of band size.
Also, one thing that gives me a headache is their commercials, they sell but their models look thin, and all at least D cups. It looks like they all have implants, and are marketing unhappiness, rather than promoting women's bodies.
So that's my review of Victoria's Secrets-They are nice people but know nothing about bra sizes, or fitting them properly. Their commercials depict unattainable standards of the female body. If I am feeling up to it, I may return there, although needless to say I am a little concerned it will be a repeat of last time.
We took my cousin there a few years ago already knowing what size she was, the girl put her in a 34D . She is a 34C, I think that's the closest measurement that they've ever done with their fitting. What chemicals are in their bras?