Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Book Review-The Real Life Body Book by Hope Riciotti,MD, and Monique Doyle Spencer.

Hello ladies, I wanted to do a review of a wonderful health book for young women called the Real Life Body Book. This book is extremely informative, and well written. Although I wouldn't say this is something that substitutes medical advice, this book is helpful if you are wondering anything about bones, health issues, or anything like that. This covers a diverse amount of topics, and issues that some other books wouldn't touch.

 I would say this is a young adult book, and do not think it would be good for extremely younger audience *this book is perfect for a bit older teens, but I wouldn't suggest it for anyone younger than 13 or 14*. It covers pretty much every aspect of the female body, but puts it in an understandable language for the teen/young adult audience. This would be a great book for a young teen, if they have questions about whats normal about their body, and what type of stuff isn't.

Again, I am not saying this should ever replace a doctor but it offers some really nice tips on how to reduce stress for example. I would call this a good guide to health. This book in essence will help you understand your body better, which is a blessing in today's world where we have too much written online that isn't medically accurate or fact checked. I would strongly suggest this as a christimas gift for a young woman, because if they have questions about their body, this can definitely help answer them. The regular retail of this book is around $22, and it is well worth it. I have picked it up on amazon for cheaper. 

I don't have any complaints about this book, so it gets an A plus from me.

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